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5 Website Mistakes to Avoid as a Stylist

We all know that websites are important, but just how important? 

Well, recent stats say 97% of users searched online to find a local business (a.k.a., everybody), and out of that 97%, a whopping 62% will disregard a business if they can’t find them online

You read that right.

Two-thirds of people who search for your business will go to the stylist around the corner if they can’t find any evidence of your business online.

But let’s say you have an online presence on social media. Is that enough or do you need a website?

Let’s put it this way: imagine you want to get a facial at a new place. What’s the first thing you do? Whip out your phone and Google it, right? Now imagine the search results come back with two local estheticians. One has just a Facebook and Instagram, while the other has both social media profiles and a website. Which one are you going to go to?

The one with the gorgeous website, right? 

There is something psychological that happens every time we see a business with a well designed website. Our minds are put at ease and we start imagining ourselves in their business, making the next step of making an appointment easy. 

It’s the same thing with your clients. 

There is a huge difference between just having a website and having a great website that actually generates business for you. 

Let’s dig into the top five website mistakes beauty professionals make on their websites and how you can fix them! 

Mistake #1: Their websites are pretty, not branded

There is nothing worse than a website full of pretty photos and information, but no true brand. Why? Because pretty is nice to look at, but it doesn’t sell. Branding does and that’s what grows your business. 

Branding is more than just your colors and logo. It’s the feeling people get when they interact with your brand, it’s the perception of your business from the ideal customer, and it’s whether or not your ideal client feels at home they moment they look at your site. 

Think of your website as your top salesperson. It needs to be oriented around your ideal client to work, right? That’s why it’s important to think about who that person is and what appeals to them.

A good way to tell if you’ve nailed your branding? A potential new client should be able to look at your site and know instantly if this is the place for them or not.

Mistake #2: Using the “free” website from your online booking platform

We get it: you’ve got a lot on your plate, so when your online booking system offers that free website, it’s tempting to just do it and call it good. But we’ve got to be honest with you…that’s not good enough for clients anymore. 

We’ve been helping beauty professionals design their websites for a long time and we’ve yet to see a free site included in a booking platform package look decent enough to increase your business or improve your image. At best, they look basic…and we know your business is anything but. 

Having a website doesn’t have to be expensive (we love WIX and Squarespace for hosting options!). Getting just one new client from that website is enough to make the site pay for itself. 

Mistake #3: Writing a novel on your website

Consumers today prefer to skim websites, so design your website and language with that in mind. Skip the novel-length intro into why you are so amazing, and curate images and text that answer their biggest pain points, overcome their objections, and show them you are the best beauty professional for them. 

Here’s the real talk: clients will be drawn to the images, will skim the text, and decide within the first 10 seconds if you’re a potential match. Focus on what they see right when they open your website and cultivate your homepage and headers to hook them in.

Mistake #4: Using generic images 

It’s tempting to head to a stock photo site, search “brunette”, and load up your website with pretty images, right? But it’s crucial to use unique and well-branded images because they will help hook the right target market clients into your chair. 

Instead of hitting up Google and searching “hairstylist pictures” or “beautiful hair,” lean into what you want your client to feel when they land on your page. What’s the promise of your business? What results can they expect when they leave your chair? What’s the vibe of your brand? 

It takes some work, but curating images that answer these questions will attract your target market to your site and to your brand. 

Mistake #5: Not updating their website 

Your website should, at minimum, be updated quarterly. (Monthly would be even better and a weekly blog post? Major bonus points.) 

You want your website to be a resource that clients use to find information about you and your business regularly. Post special offers, write a blog, and provide other features that keep them coming back for more (and, even better, sharing with their friends!).

Items that should be updated at least every quarter:

  • Specials 

  • Promotions

  • News

  • Stylist bios (if applicable) 

  • Gallery 

There is a huge difference between just having a website and having a great website that actually generates business for you. Avoiding these five mistakes will help you make a huge difference between the two. 

And the best part? Having your own website doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to hire a professional web designer or pay thousands of dollars to have a great website. Some of the best websites we’ve seen are gorgeous, simple, well-branded, and created by the beauty professional behind the business. 

If you want a tried-and-true website framework to boost your website or build your first one, check out the Website Academy Templates

Before You Go . . .