My best advice for those who want to be successful salon owners or stylists

What’s the difference between mega-successful people and people who are struggling to get to where they want to be?

I believe everybody was born on this planet for greatness, but why is it such a small portion of us actually achieve what we’re destined for?

The factors that make a difference between success as a business owner, whether you’re a salon owner or a stylist, have nothing to do with writing great Facebook posts, money, or your background. All of that is secondary, or even tertiary, to what it really takes to succeed.

Let’s dive into the real, hardcore business advice on the shifts you need to make that will help you be mega successful.

Tip #1: Dig deep and find your flaws

Most of us want to focus on the things we’re doing right. And, if things don’t go the way we plan, we blame the circumstances.
Instead of making excuses, dig deep and find your flaws. What are you doing or not doing that’s preventing you from moving forward?

It’s difficult to introspectively and honestly look at yourself, but be open to critique and solutions. Don’t make excuses because we learn so much more from our mistakes then we do from our victories. Always be looking for new ways to evolve and get better.

Tip #2: Surround yourself with trusted peers who support you professionally

They say “you are in the right room if you’re the dumbest person in the room.” That’s why when I want to talk business, I strive to be the dumbest person in every single room. I don’t want to talk to people who think they know what they’re doing or want to offer me unsolicited advice.

Find someone outside of your salon and social circle who has your best professional advancement at heart. Having someone in your professional corner that you can meet with to talk business without judgment is a game changer.

If your family or partner doesn’t support you, find someone who does. It can be overwhelming and lonely when you’re working your butt off to build a clientele or open a salon if you don’t know anyone who has done it successfully. Surround yourself with people that you can call, text, or meet regularly with to talk business if you want to be successful.

Tip #3: Don’t be afraid to let it all go if it means a better future is waiting for you

We waste a lot of time thinking about what we should logically do. Many of us think the path we’re supposed to follow is cosmetology school, stylist, then salon owner or graduate to becoming an educator.

But that leads to a lot of miserable salon owners and even stylists, who stay too long because we worry about what other people are going to think or the fear of change overcomes us.

When your gut tells you the salon is holding you back, listen. If you have faith and you’re willing to put in the hard work, maybe you’re ready to leave the salon you’ve been at for ten years. You can’t hold onto the past when you’re looking to the future. This world is ever evolving and you have to evolve with it.

Tip #4: Not everybody is meant to be a mega-star or a leader

Our industry is filled with this idea that we should rise to fame and glory, to be at the head of something amazing, to be successful.
Real talk: that race for fame and glory is very empty. And some people should never be a leader and in charge of other people’s lives.

When you become a salon owner or an educator, you don’t do it for the money. You do it because you know in your heart that it’s your calling. You want to change the direction of the industry or teach other stylists the skills you were not given the opportunity to learn.

If you just want to be a stylist who makes a ton of money and lives a beautifully balanced life, you should do that. You don’t have to be the superstar to be totally happy. Be happy with the life that makes you happy and don’t take on more because you think you’re supposed to.

Tip #5: If you think you’ve made it, it’s time to level up your business

Once you feel like you’ve got your business all figured out, time to step it up. You have to be constantly leveling up if you want to stay at the head of the game.

If you’re a salon owner and you haven’t done a decent size remodel in the last three to five years, it’s time. And I don’t mean tearing down walls; maybe just a new coat of paint, new photos, new throw pillows. Stylists, shift your social media strategy and your level of service. Be constantly evolving.

Sound exhausting? Success isn’t for the weak. If you want to be successful in business, it takes some effort, but man it’s fun.

Tip #6: Look to yourself for answers but ask for help

It’s not about finding someone to tell you exactly what to do; it’s about finding your own path. What anyone else can tell you about your path will be empty. Their journey is not yours. You need to figure out your own.

If you’re looking for a mentor or coach, don’t pick someone who’s the jackpot of answers. Find someone who will inspire you to introspectively look at yourself to discover what you actually need to be doing.

Tip #7: Don’t try to do it all yourself

Most stylists are running an entire business by themselves. We’re the talent, the marketers, the photographers, the branding team, inventory and supply management, and the accountant.

The more you can spend time being the talent or the leader, the more successful you can be. Otherwise, you’re wasting time, energy, and effort. I know there’s hesitation to spend money on a bookkeeper or an online bookkeeping system, but here’s the reality: is that $50 a month for bookkeeping, worth the hours of your life you’ll get back? Absolutely!

If you’re trying to do it all yourself and are feeling overwhelmed, get some outside help. You’re doing too much. If you want to level up, you have to bring in the support you need to make it happen.

I hope this gives you a different perspective on success and how to be successful. At the end of the day, it comes down to belief, support, confidence in yourself and direction in how you are running your business that will either make you or break you.

Before You Go . . .