Passive, Artist, or Wealth Builder: Which Are You?

If you want to grow your business, you need to get clear on where you are right now.

Listen, it’s a noisy world out there. It’s hard to not get caught up in it when social media is so accessible on our phones, to not compare yourself with the stylist next door, to think that if you copied that other salon owner, you could have what they have.

But what about what you want?

This industry is full of possibilities and opportunities just waiting for you to grab them. But before you can, you need to clarify who you are, where you are, and where you want to go. 

That’s why today, we’re breaking down the three categories many of today’s stylists fall into and share some resources to help you level up.

Category 1: Passive Stylists

We’ll be 100: “Passive” does not mean “lazy” or “unsuccessful”. Often, passive stylists are extremely talented, well-trained, and experienced. They are hopeful things will turn around and start looking up, but they don’t take the steps to make it happen.

Signs of a Passive Stylist

  • Can have a full clientele and work up to 50 hours a week taking clients. 
  • Hopeful things will turn around. 
  • Work the schedule they know clients want them to work. 
  • Post on social media when they can or if they like it. 
  • Run late or long, assuming their clients will understand, they don’t mind. 
  • Believe struggling is cool or normal. The work they do is just a job, not a passion. Major success won’t happen, but you’re doing it and it chips away at the bills. 
  • Often aspire for more, but they aren’t doing the work it takes to get there. 

Passive Stylist Mindset

Passive stylists often operate from a place of survival or fear. They work the typical stylist schedule (Tuesday—Saturday, mix of nights and weekends) because they either don’t know any better or assume if they change it, clients will be mad. 

They focus on things they’re comfortable with. This is normal. As human beings, we don’t like being uncomfortable, so it’s our default setting to focus on the comfy. This is often also why they don’t invest in education. They don’t have the time or money, or know where to start…and getting those things are outside the comfort zone.

Passive stylists can be wonderful team members, but if they’re toxic from burnout, resentment, or something else, it can fester.

Passive Stylist Resources

If you’re a passive stylist and want to level up, here’s a few resources that can help: 

Category 2: Artist

Artists represent a good chunk of the industry. They see their work as a true craft and treat it as such. Many artists have a servant’s heart and want to be their client’s ride-or-die. 

Signs of an Artist

  • Perceived in the industry as deeply authentic because they know who they are and won’t sacrifice their values. 
  • Show up in whatever way feels more aligned to them, whether it’s in their salon space, pricing, social media, guest experience. 
  • Truly believe in their craft and they do it because they enjoy it. 
  • Comfortable, but just getting by financially. 
  • Support and rally for their clients in a very deep way. 
  • Like to do things by their own rules. 
  • Don’t follow social norms or standards, but aren’t lazy. 
  • Big into the community aspects of the industry without any interest in being an influencer. 

Artist Mindset 

Artists are fueled by human connection and impact. They like networking, going to classes, meeting new people, and engaging with educators.

They also like building with people who aren’t in the industry and becoming a pillar of their community without any financial expectation. They don’t often reach their fullest financial potential but find deep emotional fulfillment and are beloved, so their heart is full. 

Artist Resources 

If you’re an artist and want to continue to grow your business, here’s a few resources that can help: 

Category 3: Wealth Builder

Wealth builders see themselves as a business owner or entrepreneur at the core. And listen, that’s not always easy. It means making the hard decisions and sacrifices to build that wealth. This doesn’t mean they’re bad people or sellouts. You can still be a kind, empathetic person who has a profitable business. 

Signs of a Wealth Builder

  • Run their business as a business.
  • Have big financial goals. They aspire, they want to go places. 
  • Aren’t afraid to talk about money or have nice things, depending on their goals/dreams. 
  • Think about retirement and financial planning.
  • Prioritize paid education and mentorship. 
  • Network with other people who want to be successful in the industry. 

Wealth Builder Mindset 

Wealth builders believe in short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. Many want to be the breadwinner and/or financially independent. They are simply built a bit differently.

Becoming a wealth builder isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

Wealth Builder Resources 

If you’re a wealth builder and want to keep building, here’s a few resources that can help: 

Take a moment to think about which category you resonated with most. Don’t judge yourself on your answer. Recognizing where you are and deciding if that’s where you want to be is the first step to finding true fulfillment and joy in this industry.
If you want more support as you grow your business and in the industry, join us in Thrivers Society!