The 4 Entrepreneur Categories Every Stylist Needs to Know

Have you ever wondered why some people are wildly successful, but others can’t get off the ground?

Why some salon owners have gorgeous spaces in the newest buildings but $50K in debt? Or why some educated, skilled stylists with tons of potential barely break even?

As entrepreneurs, our businesses live and die by our decisions… So how do some people seem to always make the right ones and others struggle to get by?

There are four categories of entrepreneurs, ranging from the least to most successful. Let’s dig into the key qualities of each so you can identify where you are and what you can do next.

The 4 entrepreneur categories


We’ll be honest: nobody wants to be a Stagnator, but 70% or more of the industry falls into this category.

On the surface, being a Stagnator doesn’t seem too bad. They are generally content and want to be proud of themselves. They aren’t looking for fame and fortune. They want a safe place to live, decent transportation, and to care for their family.

A lot of us want that, so how do these people become Stagnators?

They want to work, but not too hard.

Stagnators are not willing to do the yucky stuff. They want to do the work that feels fun and that they enjoy. But stretching? That they won’t do.

They job hop.

Stagnators believe the issue is the environment or people around them. That’s why they job hop looking for a better place. The problem? Their problems tend to follow them.

They lack accountability.

Their problems and struggles are never their own fault. They often blame others for their misfortune.

They bring others down.

Stagnators are big talkers and want to stay in their comfort zone. When others try to grow around them, they feel uncomfortable, so they stir the pot to bring them down.


Next up, we have Achievers. This category generally lives a comfortable life. They’re confident in their lifestyle and finances. But what exactly is an Achiever?

They want to work hard but demand balance.

Achievers want to learn what to work hard on and what to skip so they aren’t sacrificing their life in the process.

They always seek growth.

Because they focus on the right things, Achievers make choices that push them forward.

They get jealous.

Achievers are often envious. They feel like they’re working hard, so why don’t they have the same success as the stylist down the street?

They create normalcy in comfortable achievement.

Generally, Achievers are misaligned and spend a lot of time with those at their same level. This can cause them to spin their wheels, resulting in not pushing themselves to achieve more.


Next up, we have Overachievers who are—you guessed it—people who tend to overachieve. Overachievers are dedicated, multi-passionate, happy people. They’re doing a lot (they love it!) and it shows.

They’re willing to work harder than others.

Overachievers might sacrifice some of their work/life balance, but they don’t mind working hard. They’re willing to push the line of work/life balance more than an Achiever.

They’re visionaries.

Overachievers have grand visions and they want to make it happen fast. They’re education junkies and want to learn it all ASAP so they can make it happen.

They’re prone to burnout.

For this category of entrepreneur, the FOMO is real. Because they’re playing a short game, they will burn themselves out because they lack longevity. If you notice you need to take breaks often, you’re likely an Overachiever.


Last but not least, we have Pioneers.

They spend a lot of time self-reflecting.

Pioneers want to learn about themselves and find what they’re the greatest at. They are good at checking the ego and realizing where their strengths and weaknesses are.

They’re disciplined and focused.

They will do the hard work, the yucky stuff, the things other people don’t want to do because of their North Star. They don’t worry about what others are doing because it’ll only distract them. They have no FOMO or fear of failure because they are so hyperfocused on their own path.

They do less better.

Pioneers are obsessed with the work they’re doing. They say no to what doesn’t serve them and only focus on what moves them closer to their goal.

How to move categories

So how do you move up to the Pioneering category?

Education – Those who find success spend money on education. They humble themselves to find a mentor and ask for help. They focus on knowledge.

Ask for things that aren’t on the menu – Push yourself out there and make the bold ask to people you don’t know will say yes. You never know what might come if you ask.

Be mindful of your network – Pioneers network deeply and strategically with those who can push them forward.

Get clear on your blindspots – This comes from a mentor or networking with those ahead of you who can say, “This is where you’re missing out.” Check your ego at the door, receive the feedback with eyes wide open, and realize there are areas you need to work on.

Create a strategic plan and stick to it – Figure out what your business needs, make a plan to do it, be strategic, and stick to it.

Every single person was put on this earth to achieve incredible things. It’s up to you to make it happen…and friend? You’ve got this!

If you want to learn how to double or even triple your income while creating a freedom-based, flexible schedule as a stylist, click here to join Britt for her free masterclass!

Before You Go . . .