Need a Solid Planning System? Meet the New Wealthiest Year Yet!

Need a Solid Planning System? Meet Wealthiest Year Yet!

Did you know that, on average, 46% of people stop working towards their goals by the end of January? And that less than 1% of Americans actually achieve their goals every year? 

True story.

Listen, we’re not going to lie. Laying out how to achieve your annual business goals and naming each step is difficult. We’re willing to bet that’s what holds more than 99% of Americans back from checking off every goal come December 31.

That’s why we shook up Wealthiest Year Yet, the industry’s top annual planning system, to help you join that 1%!

Let’s dig into the new options! 

Wait…just what is Wealthiest Year Yet?

Back in 2019, Britt hosted a one-day in-person workshop in a Huntington Beach salon called “Best Year Yet.”  This workshop helped attendees dream bigger, refine goals, and create a strategic annual plan.

We turned that workshop into a digital course and exclusive planner for beauty professionals, and ta da! Meet Wealthiest Year Yet. 

Because (let’s be honest) working as a stylist or salon owner is overwhelming. You want to be successful and find life balance, but the day-to-day is so overwhelming that it feels impossible to get ahead.  

With Wealthiest Year Yet, you get a six-part planner and training system to review your business today, clarify your goals, organize your education, and plan for weekly execution.

Basically, Wealthiest Year Yet is the one-stop shop for managing and organizing your business as a beauty professional. 

What’s new this year in Wealthiest Year Yet? 

It’s no secret that a great divide is coming for our industry. With the economic changes looming and the influx of new stylists in cosmetology school, it was bound to happen. The beauty professionals that not only survive but thrive will be the ones that walk into the new year with a plan. 

That’s why we turned up the volume on Wealthiest Year Yet and brought in not one but TWO group coaching options. Now you can get the accountability and support you need to thrive. 

Option 1: Basics

Tried-and-true, our self-study option is great for the person who knows what their goals are, has a solid accountability system, and needs a little help.

The Basics option includes:

  • Wealthiest Year Yet planner delivered right on your doorstep

  • 120-day access to the online digital training 

  • Ability to go at your own pace to set up your wealthiest year yet in the four-month period 

Basics might be good for you if your goal plan just needs a little polishing, you feel 100% confident in the direction your business is going, you have a go-to plan to navigate the economic market and you just need somewhere to plan it out. 

Option 2: VIP Intensive 

If you’ve ever hit a roadblock trying to clarify your goals or create an achievement plan, Wealthiest Year Yet’s VIP Intensive is for you! 

Along with Britt and a few hundred other beauty professionals, you’ll dive into a six-week experience to

  • Understand and formalize your North Star goals (a.k.a., the ones you wanted when you joined the industry)

  • Reflect on your previous business structure to identify blind spots 

  • Create a social media focus and plan (including a caption inspiration base!)

  • Design your step-by-step achievement plan

  • Organize your education so big ideas don’t die on the vine

  • Begin your execution strategy to make it happen!

The VIP Intensive option includes:

  • Wealthiest Year Yet planner delivered right to your doorstep

  • Eight-week access to the online digital training (four more weeks than Basics!)

  • Six weeks of hourly group coaching sessions with Britt (plus replays!)

  • Connect in a private Facebook community to help stay accountable for your intensive 

VIP Intensive might be a fit if you’ve tried to achieve goals before, but it always falls apart; you have no idea where to start and need a boost; you need accountability; or you’re new to goal setting. 

Option 3: Momentum

Friends…this is the good stuff. 

You invested in organizers and planners before, only to fall off track a few weeks into the year, right? Or your goals changed, and you weren’t sure how to recalibrate your plan and get your momentum back. (Sorry, we couldn’t help it.) 

With Momentum, our first-ever add-on strategic planning support package, you’ll get the in-depth, 365-day long support designed to hold you accountable and on track as you achieve your wealthiest year yet.

Along with Britt and an exclusive group of beauty professionals, you’ll dive into 

  • Understand and formalize your North Star goals (a.k.a., the ones you wanted when you joined the industry)

  • Reflect on your previous business structure to identify blind sports

  • Create a social media focus and plan (including a caption inspiration base!)

  • Design your step-by-step achievement plan

  • Organize all of your education so big ideas don’t die on the vine

  • Begin your execution strategy to make it happen!

And, with the Momentum exclusive quarterly sessions with Britt, you’ll get extra accountability to ensure you’re on the right track! 

The VIP Intensive option includes

  • A year of Wealthiest Year Yet course access

  • Quarterly planning and recalibration sessions with Britt (plus replays!)

  • Access to a private Facebook community to help you stay accountable for the duration of your membership

  • Hot seat opportunities

And that’s a wrap on all the exciting options we’ve got waiting for you in Wealthiest Year Yet! Doors are open now, so head to to get started today! 

Have questions or want to talk out which options are best for you? Email us at [email protected]