How to Organize Your Week for Massive Productivity

Do you feel like you work hard all week, but nothing actually gets done? That by the time Friday rolls around, you feel like you got through the whole week with nothing to show for it at all?

We get it. It’s easy to get caught in the rat race where every week feels like Groundhog’s Day and nothing ever gets done. 

The secret? Create habits that make a massive impact, starting with organizing your work week. 

If Mondays are your cherished day off, that’s okay! The important thing is to prepare before your work week starts. Not only will your weeks feel productive, but you’ll have more confidence.

Let’s dig into the six steps to creating your most productive week yet! 

Step 1: Get the tools

First things first: you need a planner. Whether it’s digital or paper is up to you. 

Set up your planner with room to plot out all your goals: annual, monthly, and weekly. Make space to plan out meals and if it calls to you, life planning. You can even use it to write your notes when you go to classes.

Some of you like to use iCal or Google Calendar. That’s great, so long as you have a system where you can plan out all the things you need.

If you want a planner designed for beauty professionals, check out Wealthiest Year Yet

Step 2: Set goals for the year

Decide where you want your life to be a year from now. Do you want to make more money behind the chair or work one less day a week to spend more time with your family?

Setting those goals makes it easy when you’re thrown those life curve balls. For example, if you want to spend more time at home, taking on a heavier workload doesn’t make sense. 

When you are clear about what to work towards, your to-do list becomes super simple.

Break down those huge long-term goals into smaller ones, then by year. In the next steps, we’ll break down your goals even more so you know exactly what to work on to chip away at your goals.

Step 3: Create a list of monthly to-dos

Once you have your annual goals with your long-term projects, make next month’s to-do list at the end of each month. Plot any specific clients coming in, trainings, or vacations.

Step 4: Create a list of weekly to-dos

You’ve done the prep work, the annual goal setting, and plotted out your month. Now it’s time to sit down to make your weekly to-do list so the rest of the week is incredible. 

Write in all the weekly essentials: standing personal appointments, school pickup, or team meetings. 

Step 5: Make your weekly plan

Start by writing in those weekly to-dos and any monthly to-dos scheduled to happen that week. Then write in your weekly schedule. Block out the days you’re in the salon, personal obligations, and anything else planned for the week.

Next, look at your goal list and decide what projects you’ll tackle. Pick 1–3 projects to focus on that week and find moments in your days to schedule time to work toward your goals.

BONUS: If you meal plan, look at the week, and decide if it’s realistic to cook a homemade dinner or if it’s a leftovers night. We like to meal plan because it means never being in a panic driving home, trying to figure out what’s for dinner. There’s always some kind of plan in place, and it takes a lot of pressure off.

Step 6: Review

When you sit down to plan the next week, review the past week for 30 seconds and see how much you actually got done. 

Do you feel more productive? Yes. 

Do you get more work done? Yes. 

Are you more organized? Absolutely. 

But the real win is the self-confidence because you can celebrate the little successes, not the missed opportunities

The way you walk into every single week determines how you live your life. Those days will pass no matter what, but with a little planning, your week can be more organized, productive, and less stressful. 

Commit to shifting your energy, so you feel better about yourself and make every week productive.

If you need help building an annual, monthly, or even weekly plan that helps you achieve your goals, check out Wealthiest Year Yet